Monday, March 10, 2008

Week 7: Thing 16 Wikis

This was very fun indeed. The deeper into this class I get, the more comfortable I get browsing around the new territory of World 2.0. It's liberating to randomly browse around and see what everyone is creating these days. I particularly liked looking at the wiki of school blogs - it's neat to see how other people are using these applications. One thing I could try to do, even with my 3rd grade students, is create a wiki that's a book review wiki. Students are required to create book reports on some of the 25 books they're required to read, so it might be fun to have these reviews put online. It would prove to be a nice incentive for them to produce work of higher quality since it will be viewed publicly.

I've been to the mountaintop of wikis, Joyce Valenza's, (yikes! is she human?) and I know I've got a long way to go with my third graders, but I'm feeling more willing to take new tasks on because I'm now more aware of all the self-help resources out there that I can turn to. I'm also using my Bloglines reader more as I delete my initial not-so-useful choices and replace them with more useful resources. Weeks of working with these new tools has made a difference in the way I'm now working!

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